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French Course Descriptions - World Languages /LOTE





(40 Weeks) (Equivalent to French 1A)
This introductory course (first half of level 1) is designed to acquaint students with the basic elements of the French language. Much emphasis will be placed on learning key phrases and expressions in order to enable students to begin to understand and speak French in actual situations. Pronunciation, correct usage and fluency are particularly stressed.  Some outside and authentic materials will be used, such as audio-visual materials, tapes, etc. to supplement instruction.  Aspects of French culture will be introduced as well.

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(40 Weeks) (Equivalent to French 1B)
This second year course (second half of level 1) is a continuation of the subject matter begun in the first year.  Reading, writing, listening, and speaking are emphasized for a more comprehensive understanding of French. There is an expansion of vocabulary as well as an introduction of culture. Short stories, articles, and complementary materials in French are introduced. Students take the Proficiency test at the end of the year.

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(1 year- 1 Credit)
Offered to: Grades 9-12
Prerequisite: None

This course develops communicative proficiency at the beginning level in the four basic language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Topics which form the basis for meaningful communication in any culture are introduced through relevant situations. Related functional expressions, vocabulary and structures are presented and practiced by means of drill, analysis, synthesis, and personalization. The unique sights, sounds and tastes of the target culture are integrated into the program through the use of authentic materials, audio-visual aids, and projects. Requirements: Successful completion of the coursework through tests, quizzes, projects, and midterm and final examinations. The student must demonstrate basic proficiency in the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

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(1 year-1 Credit)
Offered to: Grades 9-12

Prerequisite: Successful completion of French 1 or equivalent middle school courses
This course develops communicative proficiency at the intermediate level. The four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing are expanded by means of intermediate-level topics, situations, functional expressions and structures. Topics include: Personal Identification, House and Home, Public and Private Services, Family Life, Community and Neighborhood, Physical Environment, Meal Taking, Health and Welfare, Education, Earning a Living, Leisure, Shopping, Travel, and Current Events. Cultural understanding is developed by means of authentic materials and experiences which reflect both daily customs and values, and the art, music, literature, and cuisine which are enjoyed and valued by the target culture. Requirements: Demonstrate proficiency in the four basic language skills.

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(1 year-1 Credit)
Offered to: Grades 10-12
Prerequisite: Successful completion of French 2

This course develops communicative proficiency at the intermediate level. The four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing are expanded by means of intermediate-level topics, situations, functional expressions and structures. Topics include: Personal Identification, House and Home, Public and Private Services, Family Life, Community and Neighborhood, Physical Environment, Meal Taking, Health and Welfare, Education, Earning a Living, Leisure, Shopping, Travel, and Current Events. Cultural understanding is developed by means of authentic materials and experiences which reflect both daily customs and values, and the art, music, literature, and cuisine which are enjoyed and valued by the target culture. The student prepares for the Regents examination which is a test of intermediate-level preparation. Requirements: Successful completion of the coursework through tests, quizzes, projects, midterm, and a final. 

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(1 year -1 Credit)
Offered to: Grades 11-12
Prerequisite: Successful completion of French 3

The student discusses everyday life and regional customs of francophone countries. Reading, writing, listening, and speaking activities include short stories, fables, fairy tales, and plays chosen to demonstrate the French culture. Requirements: The students must demonstrate knowledge of the francophone world through written, cultural, and speaking projects. 

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