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Parental Requests for Teacher or Principal Composite Score

New York State Education Law stipulates that teacher and principal composite scores may only be given to the parent/legal guardian of a student. The parent/legal guardian may only request the composite score(s) of the teacher(s) and principal their child has during the current school year. The law also  requires that the school districts verify the identity of the parent/legal guardian making the request. The information cannot be used to request a change of teacher.

The teacher and/or principal will be informed of the request.

If you wish to make such a request, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Parents/legal guardians must go to the child’s school to fill out the Request for Teacher/Principal Composite Score form.
  2. Photo identification is required, and will be photocopied and attach to the form.
  3. The school will verify that the teacher/principal whose score is requested is the teacher/principal of record for that child.
  4. The school will then forward the completed original form, the copy of photo identification, and a copy of the student’s schedule to the office of the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources.
  5. The secretary in the Human Resources office will call the parent to set up an appointment to receive the score.
  6. The Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources will meet with the parent/legal guardian to verbally provide the HEDI rating of the individual(s) in question.